LinkedIn For In-House Counsel: How To Leverage LinkedIn To Grow Your Personal Brand & Increase Visibility For Career Success
The job search landscape has changed dramatically in the modern workplace. As the digital age evolves, so does the process of job searching, building a network, and creating new roadmaps to professional success. These days, having a personal brand and a digital footprint on LinkedIn that effectively markets, communicates, and highlights your value is absolutely essential in order to get seen and noticed by legal recruiters, hiring executives, and business contacts.
With that in mind, In-House Connect is thrilled to connect you with Wendi Weiner, The Writing Guru. Wendi is a licensed attorney (since 2004) and known in the industry as a top legal resume writer and personal brand strategist. Wendi focuses her practice on in-house counsel; 80% of the attorneys that Wendi works with are top corporate counsels, general counsels, Chief Legal Officers, and high-ranking executives for Fortune companies, startups, and global entities.
Tune into the next installment of our IHC Advantage Series, as Wendi will provide key tips and best practices on how to:
– Create a powerful, professional brand on Linkedin;
– Market yourself and your legal skills;
– Leverage LinkedIn effectively to search for a job, expand your social network, and increase your visibility for business and career opportunities.
Attendees will come away from the program with a deeper understanding of LinkedIn and how best to craft your LinkedIn profile for success!