Healthcare Law Fundamentals For In-House Counsel HIPAA, PHI, PII, OCR, Oh My! What You Need To Know About Federal Healthcare Privacy Laws

Many In-House Counsel are corporate generalists and are often called upon to weigh in on matters that require specific subject matter expertise.

Health care law is one of those subjects that frequently arises outside of the traditional healthcare company context. For example, In-House Counsel for organizations that provide services to hospitals, doctors’ offices, treatment facilities or pharmaceutical companies may be called upon to advise the organization regarding HIPAA patient privacy matters and review Business Associate Agreements.  It would be great to rely on outside counsel when these questions arise, but that is not the reality for most when time and cost are priority considerations.

With that in mind, In-House Connect is thrilled to offer programming featuring Radha V. Bachman, Partner, FisherBroyles LLP, and Elena Kohn, Associate Regional Chief Legal Officer, AdventHealth, representing both the private practice and in-house healthcare law perspectives. In this dynamic, fun, and informative presentation, Radha and Elena will focus on healthcare privacy (aka HIPAA), traditionally the most common health care law-related issue that arises for in-house counsel. Radha and Elena will be answering some of your most burning questions:

– Is it HIPPA, HIPAA or HIPPO – What do all those letters stand for and when do they apply?

– CE, OCR, BAA, PHI, PII – what do those acronyms mean? What are the special privacy rules and regulations with respect to PHI and PII?;

– How should we approach and analyze BAA Agreements? What are the legal obligations of entities that are defined as Business Associates, and is there any room for negotiation?

– What regulatory bodies are involved in enforcing these regulations and, as a non-healthcare company, what exposure do we have for noncompliance?

While answering these questions, Radha and Elena will help drive things home by providing examples, case studies and representative enforcement actions involving non-healthcare companies doing business with healthcare organizations.



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